"Caring, Growing, and Serving...Together"
Since the earliest days of Christ’s Church, believers have been meeting together to study, to pray together, to help each other, and – simply – to be friends.
Small Groups at CITG are where we "Do life" together! In Acts 2:42, we read: "They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer." We need Him, and we need each other. Becoming part of a small group can be an important part of growing in faith and connecting with your church family.
Current Groups
Hover over each box below to learn more about our groups.
Sunday Afternoon Group
Greg & Cathy Yoder
6:30p. NPB
Contact: 561-371-3841
(Post-high school thru 20's)
Young Adults
Wagdy & Amgad Wahba
6:30p. PBG
Every other Wednesday
Contact Wagdy:
Wednesday PM
Men’s Fellowship Study
6:30a-7:30a. PBG
PGA Blvd Panera
Contact: Randy Wallin,
561-622-4310 randy.wallin@gmail.com